Events and Activities

Open Access Youth Club Opening Hours

Term Time Only 

Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm - Yrs 7 and Yrs 8 (From May half term, Yr 6's are invited to join us)

Thursday 6.30-8.30pm - Yrs 9 -11

Tillage Hall, Waterbeach Rec, CB25 9NJ

Outreach Youth Work

Throughout the year engaging with young people in the village offering support and advice 

Holiday Activities and Food Scheme - HAF

During the Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays we open for 4 hours a day on certain days to provide a hot meal and activities for HAF eligible children and regular members.  For more information on each provision, please see our Facebook Page (Waterbeach Youth Club - WAY) or email

Cooking together

Outreach work

Water bomb fights are always a popular activity!


Dodgeball and many other fun physical activities
